If you have a need to apply for financial aid, please do this as soon as possible. I am in the process of sending out financial aid proposals now, so don't hesitate. You can apply online here at the bottom of the page with Blackbaud Aid.

Financial aid

Because Coventry Christian Schools funds the majority of its Financial Aid awards through the PA Educational Improvement Tax Credit program, families who are within the approved EITC income limits will receive preferred consideration.  

Household with 1 child: $123,697
Household with 2 children: $142,211
Household with 3 children: $160,725

Households with 4 or more children should add $18,514 for the 4th and each additional child. 

School Code: 14071

Tuition Schedule

If you have been at Coventry less than 3 year we ask that you submit a tuition deposit of $150 per child
This is capped at two children per family if applicable. Again, you can either submit a check made out to Coventry or cash directly to the school or you can pay online. 

Apply for Financial Aid

Registration Fees

Please pay your registration fee of $175 per child, please do so as soon as possible. You may either submit a check made out to Coventry or cash directly to the school or you can pay online here: 

Coventry Christian Schools is proud to offer a robust financial aid program. Coventry reviews all financial aid applications individually and provides need-based financial aid to admitted students who have completed the admissions process. Please apply below


Tuition Deposit

Set Up Monthly Payment Plan

Use the button below to set up monthly payment plan of 10 or 12 months. 

School Code: 14071

Apply to Coventry Christian Schools

If you have questions and would like to speak to someone to learn more about our tuitions payments and schedule or financial aid, our Business Manager, Joe Lohr is available to connect with you.  


Apply  for Admissions

Apply for Financial Aid

Business Manager

Joe Lohr


School Code: 14071

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